Our Investment Philosophy
Ayur Wealth Strategies of Aligned Capital Partners, provide investment solutions that focus on capital preservations & downside protection, while generating a reasonable rate of return on the upside.
We believe that creating portfolios with low volatility and a predictable return spectrum is a key ingredient in creating financial peace of mind for your future.
Our core investment policy incorporates two main asset classes
- Traditional Asset Classes
- Traditional asset classes are often characterized by stocks, bonds and cash.
- When it comes to investing in the public stock markets, our goal is to build portfolios with a focus on stable returns and lower volatility. Dividend paying, blue chip companies are a stable approach in a capital preservation mandate.
- In the right market cycle, bonds & money market strategies are another usful tool to help build low volatility portfolios while earning reasonable growth.
- Non-Traditional Asset Classes
- Another aspect of our investment philosophy includes non-traditional investment options, otherwise known as Alternative Asset classes, that exist outside traditional stock/bond markets.
- For many years, investing in alternative strategies was the sole domain of large-scale government and institutional investors, who could deal with its complexity and meet the high price of entry.
- As discretionary portfolio managers, we partner with private assets managers to gain access to a wide variety of non-traditional investment options at the retail level.
- Common Alternative Investments include: Real Estate, Infrastructure, Private Equity, and Private Debt, and Options.
Our Investment Dealer:
Aligned Capital Partners Inc. is a registered investment dealer that provides Ayur Financial Strategies with regulatory oversight and back office services.
How Do We Get Paid?
- We strive to be transparent in every asepct of our business; fees are no exception.
- We are paid based on Assets Under Administration.
- Our fee structure starts at 1% of investment assets and tier’s down after $1MM.
Michael Connelly is registered to provide securities to clients residing in the provinces of Alberta, British Columbia, Ontario & Quebec; Jared Odorico is registered to provide securities to clients residing in Ontario.
Aligned Capital Partners Inc. (“ACPI”) is a full-service investment dealer and a member of the Canadian Investor Protection Fund (“CIPF”) and the Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization (“CIRO”). Investment services are provided through Ayur Wealth Strategies Inc., an approved trade name of ACPI. Only investment-related products and services are offered through ACPI/Ayur Wealth Strategies Inc. and covered by the CIPF. Financial planning and insurance services are provided through Ayur Financial Strategies Inc. Ayur Financial Strategies Inc. is an independent company separate and distinct from ACPI//Ayur Wealth Strategies Inc.